
A digital archive for the 2600 meetup in Malmö.

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2600 Malmö Meeting

2600 meetings exist as a forum for all interested in technology to meet and talk about events in technology-land, learn and teach. Meetings are open to anyone of any age or level of expertise.

Next meeting

Join us on our next meeting on the first Friday of the month at Foo Café! We don’t have any entrance fee but have free beer and pizza!

17:00-20:00 Carlsgatan 12a, Malmö, Sweden

Stay in touch

Our socials:

Digital badge

If you ever gave a presentation for 2600 Malmö community you are entitled for a digital Speaker badge!
Reach out in any of our socials to get it.

Previous meetings

Some of the meetings were streamed and recorded, for those you will find a link to YouTube video. Some of the speakers wanted make their slide deck available for public, for those you will find a link for either .pdf, .pptx, or any other format that speaker would prefer.